Saturday, April 6, 2013

April/May Events

Hopefully you and your family had an enjoyable Spring Break and were able to be outside in the BEAUTIFUL weather! A little sunshine does wonders for everyone!
Now that 4th quarter is upon us the remainder of the year usually flies by! The kids have spring fever and the teachers are working feverishly to prepare for state testing. Below are some upcoming events and helpful information:
Important Dates:
April 2-3, 2013: FCAT Practice Tests (Reading and Math)
April 10, 2013: Miami Heat Pep Rally
April 15-19, 2013: FCAT Week
April 18, 2013: Report Cards Issued for Third Quarter

April 29, 2013: Spring Pictures

April 29-May 2, 2013: Scholastic Spring Book Fair

April 29, 2013: Family Scholastic Book Night @5:30-7:30pm
April 30, 2013: McDonald's Night
May 2, 2013: Interim Reports Issued
May 3, 2013:  Principal's Honor Roll Breakfast @8:30
May 6, 2013: 3rd Grade's Honor Roll Assembly @9:15 

May23, 2013: Family Life/HIV Lessons

May 23, 2013: Early Dismissal
May 24, 2013: Teacher Planning (Off)
May 27, 2013: Memorial Day (Off)

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