Friday, January 17, 2014

January 2014

Important Dates:
January 20, 2014- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (Off)
January 22, 2014- Report Cards Issued for Second Quarter
January 26-31, 2014- Melting Pot Week

January 28, 2014- Honor Roll Assembly for 3rd Grade @9:30am

December has been a busy month for Third Grade. Some of the children have been sharing their Immigration Projects with their class. It has been wonderful learning about all the different heritages that are present at Manatee Bay. The children have discussed the book Molly’s Pilgrim and compared and contrasted it to themselves and the Pilgrims of long ago. 

The children are working hard mastering their multiplication facts and learning about the inverse operation of multiplication which is division. When the children return in January they will be taking the BAT 2 test during the week of January 13-17. This is a test that works as a tool to help us prepare your child for the FCAT in April. Please remember that all students must pass the FCAT reading test as it is used for criteria for promotion to Fourth Grade.