We’re in the home stretch of the 2013-2014
school year! With your support and help, our third graders have had a
successful year. We still have a lot of work to do
to make sure all students are academically prepared for the next grade. Now that we have completed the 3rd
grade math book, students are working on 4th grade skills. On that note, your child should have the 0-12
times tables memorized. Please work with
him/her if they continue to struggle.
Many of the students are working hard on their STEM projects
that will be displayed at the STEM Expo on May 14th from 6 – 7 PM in the
cafeteria. Another important school
event is the Spring Book Fair, which is the week of May 12th. More
information will be forthcoming as to the time and day your child’s class will
be attending.
Important Dates:
Important Dates:
May 1, 2014- Interim Reports Issued/
Intermediate Spring Pictures
May 5-9,
2014- Teacher Appreciation Week
May 12-16, 2014- Scholastic Book Fair Week
May 12-16, 2014- Scholastic Book Fair Week
May 15,
2014- Scholastic Book Fair Family Night
May 13, 2014- Papa John's Night
May 23, 2014- Teacher Planning (Off)
May 26, 2014- Memorial Day (Off)
June 2, 2014- End of Year Celebration/ Principal Honor Roll Breakfast
June 5, 2014- Honor Roll Assembly for 3rd Grade/ Early Release/ Last Day of School
May 23, 2014- Teacher Planning (Off)
May 26, 2014- Memorial Day (Off)
June 2, 2014- End of Year Celebration/ Principal Honor Roll Breakfast
June 5, 2014- Honor Roll Assembly for 3rd Grade/ Early Release/ Last Day of School